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Library: Evidence Based Practice

Servicing all Grampians Health campuses, East Grampians Health Service, Central Highlands Rural Health, Beaufort & Skipton Health Services, East Wimmera Health Service, Ballarat Community Health

What Is Evidence Based Medicine?

According to Rosenberg & Donald "Evidence based medicine is the process of systematically finding, appraising, and using contemporaneous research findings as the basis for clinical decisions." (Rosenberg W, Donald A. Evidence based medicine: an approach to clinical problem-solving. BMJ 1995; 310:1122–1126.)

Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine

The Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM) at Oxford University is a good starting point. Click here

A self-paced introduction to the process of EBM. From the Duke University Medical Center Library, and the Health Sciences Library at University of North Carolina.

The following models are examples of structuring or framing a research question:

PICO and ECLIPSE can be applied to qualitative and quantitative research.

SPICE and SPIDER are particularly suited to qualitative evidence synthesis.

Medical Ethics reviews based on the MIP (methodology, issues, participants) is advised for bioethical questions.